45 min Free Consultation

We will look at your situation and the ways you are wanting to change it with compassion and curiosity. I will offer you example approaches appropriate for your unique situation. I will also answer any questions you might have and share about what you can expect from working with me.

3 month 1:1 Coaching Program
1750 USD / 1350 GBP

This coaching program is based in neuroscience, but fully focused on you. During the sessions we will partner to move you towards whatever change you are looking to make. With your permission, I will introduce information and techniques informed by neuroscience, to include your brain and your nervous system in the process. Stress and fear are a natural response of the brain to change and to new situations. Working with that in mind can open opportunities for change in a way that is less frustrating and create space for a new found self-compassion.

This program is for you if

  • you are struggling to take action towards a big goal,

  • stress has been affecting your mind and body and causing somatic symptoms like headaches, muscle tension, digestive or sleep issues,

  • you are going through wanted or unwanted change in your life,

  • you feel like something needs to change, but you are not sure what and how to go about it

This program includes

  • initial 90 min deep dive session

  • 10 x 60 min sessions

  • support through email / WhatsApp in between sessions



A coaching process informed by neuroscience is based on foundations from life coaching, where the client is the expert on themselves. A Life Coach will not give you advice or tell you what to do, but they will create space for you to safely find what is best for you. In neuroscience informed coaching, the coach additionally applies principles from neuroscience to help you improve your personal or professional life. They will offer information, tools, and techniques based in neuroscience including:

  • Understanding brain function: a Neuroscience Coach, with client’s permission, offers them knowledge about how the brain works, including neuroplasticity and how different brain regions affect behavior and emotions

  • Individual brain development: a Neuroscience Coach creates space for the client to explore how their unique brain and nervous system have developed, to raise the client’s awareness about the behavioural and internal patterns their brain has learnt are effective and safe given their past experience.

  • Behavioral change: a Neuroscience Coach offers insights from neuroscience, as they support the client in changing habits and behaviors by leveraging how the client’s brain forms and retains new patterns,

  • Emotional regulation: a Neuroscience Coach helps the client understand the neurological basis of their emotions and develop strategies to manage stress, anxiety, and other emotional responses more effectively.

  • Somatic techniques: a Neuroscience Coach might offer somatic techniques to aid in the coaching process. Somatic techniques focus on the body-mind connection, emphasizing the importance of bodily sensations and movements in emotional and psychological healing and well-being. Somatic techniques might include breathing, body scanning, meditation and mindfulness, movement, touch and more.

  • Goal setting and Achievement: By understanding the brain's reward system, a Neuroscience Coach assists the client in setting and achieving goals in a way that aligns with how the client’s brain processes motivation and rewards.


I’ve found working with Marta incredibly helpful. She’s created a safe and collaborative space to help me build confidence and make meaningful changes in both my personal life and career.

She’s been compassionate and warm and so it’s been easy to bring topics that feel sensitive or difficult to talk about. I’ve been able to take charge of situations where I felt stuck and like I had no options. This has felt really empowering and helped me move forward in lots of ways.

Becky, Project Manager

Working with Marta was very fruitful - we tackled my problem on many levels. Even though I had a lot to work through, I didn't feel tired because the sessions took place in a friendly and pleasant atmosphere.

I had full trust in Marta and felt very safe. Marta didn't interfere with my process, allowing me to find solutions on my own. She occasionally offered her knowledge and suggestions, which were very valuable and allowed me to see a different perspective.

Bea, Private English Teacher

Purposeful Neuroplasticity


Overcome Action Freeze


Befriend Your Stress


Purposeful Neuroplasticity 〰️ Overcome Action Freeze 〰️ Befriend Your Stress 〰️